Latency comparison on FPV HMD screens/goggles, part 2

First part is here:

Got new firmware for my HMD, purchased some equipment for testing, borrowed goggles and did another measurement. Entire chain:

Sony Xperia Z1 compact => HS1177 => BF OSD => VTX03 => HMD/Goggles – so, keep in mind that visible latency is from entire chain included. Results in short:

  1. LTD056EV7F (my HMD with 5.6″ screen and RTD2662, firmware from smth like 2016.06): min: 29, max: 55, avg: 44ms. Main issue – blur on screen itself (old type LCD screen)
  2. Headplays with low latency firmware: min: 30, max: 69, avg: 39ms. Slightly less blurry than old Toshiba 5.6″, but more blur compared to any goggles.
  3. Quanum Fatshark Genesis: min: 45, max: 89, avg: 64ms. Again, less blurry compared to my HMD, but still more than goggles.
  4. Fatshark Dominator v2: min: 31, max: 51, avg 38ms.
  5. Fatshark Attitude v3 (should be the same optics dom v2?): min: 27, max: 69, avg: 50ms. Maybe optics is identical to doms, but something is different in processing chain, because averages are clearly higher.

Photo samples if someone is interested (taken with SONY A6300 + Samyang 8mm F2.8, ISO 25600 EV -2.7, but allways at 1/4000 shutter speed, so you know what quality to expect =)

(i did more than 320 photos, attached are only random/clearer/border samples, numbers above are calculated using more numbers)

My HMD (LTD056EV7F+RTD2662 with openrtd2662 FW):


Fatshark Quanum Genesis:

Dominator v2:

Attitude v3:

….if i will do this in future – i will prob. do this using LED’s…

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