Author Archives: ABL

Circular vs Linear polarisation – long range comparison

I’m working on long-range (60km+ one direction, 200km+ total range) FPV plane. Almost entire plane is built from scratch (batteries, airframe, autopilot, antennas) and i’m trying to choose right components.

For 60km+ range i probably can’t go with single antenna – i need array of antennas (other options – LNA (good LNA are very expensive!), more power to VTX (and i need electric power for motor, also – interference), trackers on both sides (too complex and error prone)). Now just need to choose correct polarisation option…

So, my options at this moment – circular polarized array (CP BiCircles – i like circles :P ) or linear polarized array (again, bicircles). Both have high gain (~16dBi for CP array, ~17dBi for LP array), both can be built to be flat (another reason why yagi antenna is out of scope – too big to transport).

Lots of resources on internet about CP/LP choice, in general all agree about:

  • LP is worse in banked turs, CP works well in any direction (agree 100%, that’s why satellites use CP – but question “how much banking is too much for LP?”)
  • For the same volume/weight LP offers higher gain (serious reason why i’m reverting to LP – huge CP antennas, easy damaged in transportation, higher gain antennas (such as QFH) are draggy a lot)
  • CP is a “must have” for higher frequencies (again, agree – LP on 5.8GHz sucks ballz due to multipathing issues, but for long range i’m going on 1.3GHz setup)
  • LP antennas are easy to make (and this is great – i killed three cloverleafs while flying in forest in one day, repairing them takes lots of time. Long range plane keeps antennas safe, but sometimes they break anyway and…)

So, question remains – how much banking is too much for LP, and how much image quality i will loose for using LP? Knowing this, i can choose right antenna array. To answer this question, i did simple test. Conditions:

  • 18dB attenuator on plane (cut range by 4 – i.e. 10km with attenuator = 40km without. Well, at least in theory)
  • my old CP antennas – verified, 15km without attenuator is “easy mode”, VSWR < 1.5 when new vs brand new, just “cooked” Vee’s + BiCircle (BiCircle gain = BiQuad gain and almost the same radiation pattern)
  • The same frequency (1280MHz), the same plane with the same setup (and the same battery), identical weather conditions (well, if possible – liftoff during sunset without wind, after second test landed in almost dark environment, with strong wind)
  • If possible, very bad conditions (RF noise – cell towers nearby, willage, mobile phones; clouds, moisture)

What i got (distance is top-middle):

OK, my old CP antennas lived trough hell (lots of crashes, repairs, re-soldering, tunning) and probably do not have < 1.5 SWR anymore. But i didn’t expected them to perform so bad, compared to LP…

< 5km range with CP (OK, bit better signal quality compared to LP – less noise, no sudden signal loss), that’s approx 20km total range. 10km range with LP (still good signal when banking – check video) – that’s approx 40km total range without attenuator and in better weather/RF conditions (and really simple antenna construction, Vee’s won’t be destroyed by trees anymore) – i think, we got clear winner here.

Next in work queue – BiCircle antenna array for 60km+ range (and i guess 80km range should be easy too).


  • results are valid for low freq (0.9-1.3GHz) video transmission. On higher frequencies (2.4GHz and esp. 5.8GHz) it’s a different story
  • Yes, i will perform “max range” tests without attenuator, when i finish my long-range plane. Currently i can’t go past 30km to one direction (temperature issues, also some issues with current plane setup) so i can’t test single antenna to it’s limits, not talking about array…
  • BiCircle and BiQuad have identical gain and (probably) just minor differences to gain pattern. I choose BiCircle for it’s look and simplicity. Also, tested on different frequencies – works great, so why bother bending corners?
  • In good weather (no forests around, no rain/moisture, no clouds layer, no RF noise) range should be better. Take off attenuator, mount antennas and… =)

FPV cams: CC1333 vs HS1149F – short review

I’m building long-range plane and was looking for camera with small frontal area. All my FPV cameras are PZ0420 (with or without IR filter, also known as CMQ1993X on sc2k, sold as CC1333 and CC1333-B on surveilzone) – great cameras for FPV, but huge drag on fast plane.

Found this one – HS1149F – acceptable price and small enough. After 2 weeks… :

PZ0420, CMQ1993X, CC1333, CC1333-B and HS1149F

It’s really small! Even with this metal case it’s much smaller than PZ0420 with broken off edges (bottom left).

Did short test in my living room with two cams: PZ0420 (no IR filter, better light sensitivity, bad colors) and HS1149F. Sorry, no flight videos with new cam – i won’t have time for at least two weeks and weather sucks (CMQ1993X – the same PZ0420 with IR filter video is here). I maybe add video with new cam later…

So, PZ0420 in my living room, pointing straight to light source:

PZ0420 images combined

From left to right:

The same image with HS1149F:


From left to right:

In short:

  • + great low light performance
  • + good working WDR, at least in living room
  • + small and light
  • settings cable is really stupid, compared to PZ0420 – i will probably set everything as i want and toss it away. Hard to use, heavy, on the same cable as video signal, pffff….
  • price is higher compared to CC1333

First flights after few weeks, if it’s in-air performance will be great – i will replace my other cams too ;-)

EDIT: short comparison video is here:

Nauji fotikai, nauji kadrai ;-)

Namie atsirado pora smagių dalykų, kuriuos galima kilstelt į orą ir padaryt kelis visai neblogus kadrus. Vienas iš jų – SONY NEX 5N su 16mm objektyvu (su laiku upgradinsiuos) – turiu jau kurį laiką, spėjau ir kelis kadrus padaryt. Kokybė neypač, bet lyginant su kitais piguva aplink – tenkina:
Miškas, šuo, ruduo
Gal šiek tiek per tamsi, bet tai… Kad tamsoje ir fotografavau – galima sakyt, kad pirmas 2012 metų žiemos sniegutis:
Nuošliauža, žiema, pirmas sniegas

Kitas žaislas (yra jau pora savaičių, tik orai neleido išmėginti) – GoPro 3 Black. Mažas, lengvas žaislas, kurį nesunku užmest ant beveik bet kokio copterio ar lėktuvo, o video kokybė yra visai pusėtina (tiesa, su nex‘o nesilygina niekaip). Vienas kadras iš video (tik resize’inta iš 1080p, be protune):
Laukai, GoPro 3 Black
Tiesa, su GoPro pakol kas dar nesusišneku – sudėtas naujausias firmware, filmuojama prie pakankamo apšvietimo, lyg ir viskas OK – bet video kokybė kai kur galėtų būt ir geresnė – detalės išplaunamos. Su Protune lyg ir geriau, bet dar nepavyko susidraugauti su spalvine korekcija…
Žodžiu, to be continued, o tam kartui – vienas trumpas filmukas, padarytas pirmą žiemos dieną (į spalvas per daug nereiktų žiūrėti, pirmas bandymas perprasti protune ;-)

2012 rudenėlis

Atėjo žiema (kas iš to, kad ruduo kalendorinis) – tai prisiminimui video su rudens vaizdais:
[vimeo clip_id="52651678"]
Viskas iš vieno copterio, be gimbalų ar stabilizacijos, taigi geresni video (lėktuvėlių, hex’o ir t.t.) dar bus kažkada ateityje. Gaila tik, kad vimeo persistengė su kompresija – ir taip pas pirmą GoPro ne pyragai su 1080p vaizdo kokybe, o dar šitaip perspaudus…


Dažnas klausimas forume – va, noriu skraidyt, noriu kelt DSLR’ą į orą, noriu skraidyt FPV, nuo ko pradėt…

Pamėginsiu aprašyt savo siūlomą startą. Priimam prielaidą, kad bazinės žinios jau yra, nereikia aiškinti, kas yra rudderis, kaip jungiasi imtuvas, kas yra ESC, bei kaip skristi “į save” – laikom, kad tas bandytojas jau skraidė su lėktuvėliu ir turi bazines žinias.

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Vasarai pasibaigus….

Ką gi, 2012 metų vasara baigėsi, skraidymo sezonas kaip ir turėtų būt uždarytas…

Ta proga keletas vaizdų iš šios vasaros:

2012 vasara - Klaipėda, Melnragė
2012 vasara - Klaipėda, uostas
2012 vasara - Klaipėda
2012 vasara - Klaipėda, Melnragė
2012 vasara - Klaipėda, Melnragė
2012 vasara - Rokiškis/Žiobiškis
2012 vasara, Vilnius, Antakalnis
2012 vasara, Rokiškio rajonas, Žiobiškis
2012 vasara, Vilnius, Antakalnis
2012 vasara, Rokiškio rajonas, Kraupiai

Skraidymams naudoti aparatai (EZ pamiršau – na, bet jis “klasikinis”):

2012 vasara - DLG
2012 vasara - SpiderQuad
2012 vasara - Quadukas
2012 vasara - Hexacopter
…Galėtų vasara būt 12 mėnesių per metus… ;-)