FPV cams: CC1333 vs HS1149F – short review

I’m building long-range plane and was looking for camera with small frontal area. All my FPV cameras are PZ0420 (with or without IR filter, also known as CMQ1993X on sc2k, sold as CC1333 and CC1333-B on surveilzone) – great cameras for FPV, but huge drag on fast plane.

Found this one – HS1149F – acceptable price and small enough. After 2 weeks… :

PZ0420, CMQ1993X, CC1333, CC1333-B and HS1149F

It’s really small! Even with this metal case it’s much smaller than PZ0420 with broken off edges (bottom left).

Did short test in my living room with two cams: PZ0420 (no IR filter, better light sensitivity, bad colors) and HS1149F. Sorry, no flight videos with new cam – i won’t have time for at least two weeks and weather sucks (CMQ1993X – the same PZ0420 with IR filter video is here). I maybe add video with new cam later…

So, PZ0420 in my living room, pointing straight to light source:

PZ0420 images combined

From left to right:

The same image with HS1149F:


From left to right:

In short:

  • + great low light performance
  • + good working WDR, at least in living room
  • + small and light
  • settings cable is really stupid, compared to PZ0420 – i will probably set everything as i want and toss it away. Hard to use, heavy, on the same cable as video signal, pffff….
  • price is higher compared to CC1333

First flights after few weeks, if it’s in-air performance will be great – i will replace my other cams too ;-)

EDIT: short comparison video is here:


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