Author Archives: ABL

Parkelis… Ir kt.

Dar kelios naktinės foto. Parkelis – iš pasakos ;-)


Pasirodo antys naktį nemiega – atėjus prie upės staigiai prisistatė ir paprašė ko nors skanaus ;-)

Skanaus negavo, tai bent jau papozavo šiek tiek…

Ta proga dar ir seniau susuktas video (tik šitas jau dieną, ne naktį):

Dar šiek tiek nakties – 2015 sausis

Gi pagaliau kažkiek pasnigo, tai trūktelėjau kelis vaizdelius (dieną nėra kada, o ir dienos tokios… Apsiniaukę):

Naktis centre – 2014’tiems besibaigiant

Buvom centre apsižvalgyti. Gražiai miestas atrodo, gaila kad buvo labai debesuota….

Pažiūrėjom ir 3D filmukus, kuriuos ten rodė. Tas ant katedros sienos tai labai jau vaikiškas gavosi, bet gal kitamet geriau pavarys…

EDIT: deja, filmukų neliko – nuplaukė kartu su mano YT account…

Simple portable RF power meter

I had several RF heads – based on AD8317 (and working from PC), also based on AD8313 (you can get entire RF head assembled for ~20$ or so at and decided that i need portable box for measuring signal levels and VTX power.

Did that, working well:

it’s actually very simple and entire box costs ~35$ or so (if you have basic parts and attenuators already). Accuracy is acceptable (+/- 1.5dBm in -10 … -40dBm range).

And no, it won’t work better than other tools (even RF explorer is much better with it’s -105dB+ range); it won’t do correct math for frequency (MCU is too weak to do proper calculations). So, if you need serious tool – go look for other solutions. If you need something cheap and working well enough to test antennas/TX/RX – it works good enough.

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CPATCH12 – dimensions and details

Got one CPATCH12… Looks OK, but pricey – i want to do large phased array, so i measured dimensions and will try to make it on other materials (original material – black FR4, probably requires some modifications if dielectric material changes).

Anyway, pics (with active part visible – i put microcontrast at max), dimensions (active part) and 3D drawing below.

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